Question : CRecordset and CLongBinary (BLOB problem)

How do I store a blob through ODBC !
I got a CLongBinary object in a derived CRecordset and a BMP-file on disk.
1. - How do I load the BMP into the CLongBinary-object
2. - Does the CLongBinary automaticly get into the base on CRecordset.update() ?
Codesample please !!

Answer : CRecordset and CLongBinary (BLOB problem)

First you have to copy BMP file into CLongBinary object.
you can do this by
 strFileName = BMP file name
 BinaryObj   =  long binary object

:: int  LoadBlobFromFile(CString& strFileName,CLongBinary* BinaryObj)

      CFile            blobFile(NULL);
      DWORD            FileLth;
      void*            lVoidPtr = NULL;

      if(blobFile.Open(strFileName,CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeRead))

            FileLth = blobFile.GetLength();
            BinaryObj->m_hData = GlobalAlloc(0,FileLth);
            BinaryObj->m_dwDataLength = FileLth;

            lVoidPtr = GlobalLock(BinaryObj->m_hData);
            DWORD lTemp = blobFile.ReadHuge(lVoidPtr,FileLth);
            strFileName = blobFile.GetFileName();
            return SUCCESS;

            return FAILURE;

} // End of LoadBlobFromFile

After loading bmp into longbinary you have to store this into database
You can do this by
DWORD i,dwSize;
BYTE* lpdstbyte = NULL;
BYTE* lpsrcbyte = NULL;
int :: AddnewRecord(CLongBinary* pDataObj)

      if(pDataObj.m_hData && ::GlobalSize(m_DataObj.m_hData))
            m_DataObj.m_hData = NULL;
            m_DataObj.m_dwDataLength = 0;

      dwSize = pDataObj.m_dwDataLength;
      m_DataObj.m_hData  = GlobalAlloc(0,dwSize);

      lpdstbyte = (BYTE*)GlobalLock(m_DataObj.m_hData);
      if(lpdstbyte == NULL)
            return *this;

      lpsrcbyte = (BYTE*)GlobalLock(pDataObj.m_hData);
      if(lpsrcbyte == NULL)

      for(i=0; i< dwSize; i++)
            lpdstbyte[i] = lpsrcbyte[i];

      m_DataObj.m_dwDataLength   =  dwSize;

        return SUCCESS;

      catch(CDBException* fe)
            return FAILURE;


This is complete code for storing blob intodatabase.
Hope this will help U!!

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