Question : Use of EnumFontFamilies
I need to use the EnumFontFamilies function to retrieve a listing off all of a user's installed fonts. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to use EnumFontFamilies. I'd really appreciate an explanation of what each parameter in EnumFontFamilies work, and a some sample source code. Relatively urgent. TIA.
Answer : Use of EnumFontFamilies
The following code reads the available fonts into a CArray:
int CALLBACK EnumTheFonts( LOGFONT *lpLF, TEXTMETRIC *lpTM, DWORD dwTyp, LPARAM lpData) { CArray *paFonts=(CArrayString&>*)lpData; paFonts->Add(CString(lpLF->lfFaceName)); return 1; }
void GetFonts(CArraytring&>* aFonts) { // Get a temporary DC(for EnumFonts) HWND hDskWnd=::GetDesktopWindow(); HDC htempDC=::GetDC(hDskWnd); HDC hMyDC=::CreateCompatibleDC(htempDC); ::ReleaseDC(hDskWnd,htempDC); ::EnumFonts(hMyDC,NULL,(FONTENUMPROC)EnumTheFonts,(LPARAM)aFonts);
::DeleteDC(hMyDC); }
Just create a CArray and pass a pointer to that array to the GetFonts() function. After that, the array is filled with the available fonts. Hope this is what you needed :)