Question : MS Access + You entered an expression that has no value

I just need to trap this message and make it invisible to the user!

Answer : MS Access + You entered an expression that has no value

See here:
And see if this helps you resolve the issue.

For example, a controlsource using a function that will produce and error, can generate #Error
For example:
...will produce:  #Error
...because "www" is not a valid argument in the DateDiff Function.

Abs([FirstName]), will also generate #Error because the Abs() function needs a number, and [FirstName] is a string.

Obviously since you did not list any info on your system, only you can determine why the error occurs.

Yes, *ONLY* if you have done everything possible to avoid the error in the first place.
You can use something like this:
    IIF(IsError(Abs([FirstName])),"No Data",Abs([FirstName]))
But even here you can see that the basic formula is flawed, so this is really NOT a solution in this case.

It cannot be stressed enough...
  The goal is to avoid the error form happening in the first place, not trap the error or display something else.

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