Question : Importing/Linking Data from URL
For a Word VBA application under development, I need to import data that resides on a web server. I have the URL and appropriate credentials. For reasons too tiresome to go into, the data need to be exported from the web-based database into a file that I download/access. On the web side, my developer can export to CSV, HTML, XML or what have you. On the client side, I want a code-only solution (want to distribute my solution only, and not an ODBC DSN).
So the challenge is: what's the most efficient and low-maintenance code-only solution to getting the data from http://www.myserver.com/myfile.htm (or .csv or whatever) into a recordset?
PS: Planted this in the Access topic because it's more of a DB VBA problem than a Word problem.
PS2: I'll double points for a 'URL in, RecordSet out' function example.
Answer : Importing/Linking Data from URL
That's a good question.
I'm quite confident in saying that you cannot simply import from an URL with Access. I would look for an appropriate intermediate layer. Perhaps a form with the Microsoft Web Browser ActiveX control?
In Access, follow these steps: * Create a new form * Add an ActiveX control "Microsoft Web Browser", name it "acxBrowser" * Add a command button, name it "cmdImport" * Create the Click event for the button * Paste the following code
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Const cURL = "http://www.harfang.ch/expert/customer.txt" Const cTempName = "~temp~.tmp" Const cTempTable = "zttblCustomers" Dim sngStamp As Single Dim strTempFile As String ' navigate and wait for at most 5s Me.acxBrowser.Object.Navigate cURL sngStamp = Timer() Do While Me.acxBrowser.Object.Busy _ And sngStamp <= Timer() And Timer() < sngStamp + 5 DoEvents Loop ' save info strTempFile = Left(CurrentDb.Name, InStrRev(CurrentDb.Name, "\")) & cTempName Open strTempFile For Output As #1 Print #1, Me.acxBrowser.Document.documentElement.innerText Close #1 ' transfer DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , cTempTable, strTempFile, True ' done! Kill strTempFile DoCmd.OpenTable cTempTable End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There you go: URL in, Table out. But even double points is waaaaay too cheap ;)
Good Luck