Question : Script Error; line 2057; res://ieframe.dll.preview.<wbr />js

If I try to print something from the internet, then I get the following error message:

Script Error
An error has occured in the script on this page
Line 2057
Char  1
Error  Unspecified error
Code  0
URL  res://ieframe.dll/preview.js

I am using Win7 Pro 32bit and Internet Explorer 8.
I've tried the suggestions made by BillDL on 13.9.09 6.25 to a similar question, and all the correct boxes are already ticked/unticked.  I've tried various restore points.  And I've tried Ann Flinn's suggestion dated 10.16.2009 attached to a similar question.  But still the same error.

Can anyone help please?

Answer : Script Error; line 2057; res://ieframe.dll.preview.<wbr />js

Why don't you go for FireFox? From my own experience,  IE has lots of issues and prone to security holes.
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