Question : Realtime - What Events?
This is probably just me and perhaps there is an easy answer...
I seem to often need to know what events are triggered as I am developing a form (for example) when it is not as clear as a specific sequence (ie the sequence of close/unload etc). Is there a way to have a VBA routine that will give a pop-up msgbox (or other) that will tell what events are being triggered for a given action even when there is no code to run within in the event. I do not want to setup a msgbox for event possible event.
For a real example. I currently have a subform that uses the click event to trigger storing the selected customer# for the selected record but want to erase that info if the user navigates away from the selected record. In simple terms, I only want to store a customer record# if a record is currently selected but NOT if one is not. After choosing a record and moving off again I cannot find an event that triggers so I can clear the data stored during the click event. This is a case where the above would be useful. (clear as mud?)
Answer : Realtime - What Events?
Whenever a new record is displayed the OnCurrent event is triggered.
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