Question : how to pull week day  and time from a query

I have a query that the date range is from 1/1/2010 to 4/1/2010, how do I only pull that all dates are Tuesday and Thursday? also I have the time from 8:30:00 AM to 3:00:00 PM, how do I only pull the time after 12:00:00 PM? below is my query
SELECT Event_Pleading.PDCASENUM, Event_Pleading.PDRIN, Event_Pleading.PDDOCKET, Child.CALENDAR, Event_Pleading.PDFIRSTCRTDATE, Event_Pleading.PDFIRSTCRTTIME
FROM Child INNER JOIN Event_Pleading ON (Child.CHDOCKET = Event_Pleading.PDDOCKET) AND (Child.CHCASENUM = Event_Pleading.PDCASENUM)
WHERE (((Event_Pleading.PDFIRSTCRTDATE) Between #1/1/2010# And #4/1/2010#))

Answer : how to pull week day  and time from a query

try this

WHERE ((DateValue([PDFIRSTCRTDATE]) Between #1/1/2010# And #4/1/2010#) and (timeValue([PDFIRSTCRTDATE]) Between #8:30:00 AM# And #3:00:00 PM#) And weekday([PDFIRSTCRTDATE]) in (3,5))

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