Question : C#: Class Library

I have a class library that is calling a XML file with System.Xml.XmlReader. I have the DLL referenced into a console application. The problem is, the DLL is trying to access a XML file that was added to the Class Library before it was compiled. Since the DLL is now part of the console application, it is unable to find the XML file. I am doing this to avoid re-writing or copy \ paste into the console application. Is there a way to include the XML file into a Class Library before building into a DLL? I hope this is making sense, not sure what to ask.

Answer : C#: Class Library

An XML file is just an input file with no logic. I have a feeling that you are embedding this XML file as a resource, is that correct?
Why don't you use the XML file as a FILE outside of your DLL and console application and read it from the file system?
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