Question : Sharepoint Backup

I receieve following fault message when backing up my sharepoint from GUI:

Object WSS_Content_MySite_Are failed in event OnBackup. For more information, see the error log located in the backup directory. SqlException: Cannot open backup device 'd:\backup\spbr0000\00000013.bak'. Operating system error 3(error not found). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Everyone has full access to this folder

Same message is received when using stsadm

Solution to this is appreciated :-)

Answer : Sharepoint Backup

From the error message, it looks like you are backing up a content database.

You should check to see if backing up the same content database via SQL Server backup tools to the same location yield the same error message.  If backup via SQL Server fails, then the problem lies with something outside of SharePoint.  However, if it succeeds, then it is a SharePoint configuration problem.

Also, have you tried backing up content database to a network drive (eg. \\myserver\backupfolder) instead of a local drive?

On a side note, you can restore an entire server farm (minus the search indexes) just by doing SQL Server database backups.

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