Question : How do I clean up my Terminal Server Licensing

The Terminal Server Licensing I have is all messed up (see image attached). I own 5 retail device CALs and 20 volume device CALs. I want to remove anything here I don't need so things are clean. I don't see anywhere that will let me delete anything and none of them specify which they are.

1. For some reason there are Windows 2000 CALs that I don't know if I need or not or if I can even use. There are 2 Windows 2000 servers in the environment, neither are used for public Terminal Services, only administration. Can I delete the Windows 2000 tokens, if so how? A few CALs were issued in 2008 that would have been administration machines and a few that I don't know who they are.

2. I accidentally chose user CALs when I added the 2003 volume CALs so I need to delete them since I don't own them, how do I do this correctly?

3. Is there any way to label the 2003 Device CALs so I know which is the 20 licenses and which is the 5 licenses?

Answer : How do I clean up my Terminal Server Licensing

The TS will still be available. Unless someone with an expired temporary license tries to connect. Otherwise you will be fine.
From what I remember a reboot is NOT required for the licensing server install.
Per device TSCALs are allocated to devices and are tracked/enforced. If a device does not connect to a TS for some time the licensing server will see that and will get that license back to the pool within 59-89 days.
There is no way to prevent users from connecting from a certain device unfortunately, unless you prevent RDP completely to that server. Only a firewall/router would be able to do that. Or IPSEC. :-)

Cláudio Rodrigues

Microsoft MVP
Windows Server - Terminal Services
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