Question : Lookup field value showing as row number instead of value


I have created a query that is based upon a looked field from another table.  When the results of this query are displayed it does not show the value, but instead it simply shows the row number of the value... what am I doing wrong??

I know that you need to reference the column number, eg Column(1) but I don't know where or how to put that??...

Many thanks,


Answer : Lookup field value showing as row number instead of value

How are you displaying your results?

Combo box

> properties > data tab> bound column = 1 (Assumes first column of query is record id)

>Properties>Format>Column Count = 2 (Assumes there are 2 columns in your query)

>Properties>format>Column Widths = 0,3 (Hides column 1, displays column 2)


Design view>select lookup field

Click lookup

change display control to combo box

Add query sql to row source

bound column = 1

column count = 2

Column widths = 0,2 (as above hides query col 1, and show query col 2)

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