Question : Awstats running multiple hosts (error)

I am trying to get Awstats to display stats for multiple domain names.  I have about 5 right now that I would like to log and they all have separate IP addresses.  I have tried to copy the awstats.model.conf file and make another log for another website, but I get the following error when trying to update the log:

Error: Your personalized LogFormat does not include all fields required by AWStats (Add %bytesd in your LogFormat string)

The weird thing about it is this is on a Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.0.  I don't know why it thinks it is supposed to get stats for a unix based OS.  I have also made sure that the log format is set to 2 which is for IIS.  Have any suggestions on what I am doing wrong or missing?

NOTE: I have my own website running Awstats just fine, but once I run it for another website that is the message I get.

Answer : Awstats running multiple hosts (error)

The line I gave you:

# Use this LogFormat for limited IIS log (default log format from IIS 6)
LogFormat="date time s-sitename s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-bytes"

(don't put line breaks in)

goes in your awstats.model.conf file.  Make a backup copy of your current awstats.model.conf file, then edit it and look for the LogFormat line.  It should say LogFormat=2 -- in fact, that's what you said in your original question.  So comment that line out and put the above LogFormat in, and rerun awstats against the problem log file.
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