Question : List box in inputbox?
Is it possible to have a default listbox which comes from a table within my inputbox? Here is some of the code:
ID = rec![ID] Debug.Print ID dte = Now() dtef = DateAdd("d", 30, [dte]) Debug.Print dte rec2.AddNew rec2("ID") = ID rec2("Date") = dte rec2("datef") = dtef msg = "What is the subject?" title = "Subject entry" default = "Standard" subject = InputBox(msg, title, default) rec2("subject") = subject rec2.Update rec.MoveNext I would like default to reflect what is in one of the existing tables? What do I need to do?
Answer : List box in inputbox?
Just change the custom inputbox form textbox to listbox (or whatever control you want to use) and no other modifications should be needed.