Question : Find Nearest Value

I have two tables:

Table 1
(field names)    UlDate                         UlPrice
                       9/25/2004 9:55:01am   16.50

Table 2
(field names)    OptDate                         OptPrice
                       9/25/2004 9:55:34am     35.50

I would like to find the nearest UlDate in Table 1 that is nearest to the OptDate in each row of Table 2 then I would like to extract the UlPrice in Table 1 for that nearest date entry and display it in Query 1.  It would look something like this:

Query 1
(field names)    OptDate                         OptPrice         UlPrice
                       9/25/2004 9:55:34am     35.50             16.50

I believe that there is a relatively easy way of doing this through a simple query expression function.  Please note there may be NO exact match and I will need to control whether I want to match for a value(date) greater or smaller.  I would like to avoid writing a macro and simply do this through a query expression.  Table 1 has about 1M rows, Table 2 has about 1M rows as well.

I would appreciate any suggestions for the query function expression.  Thanks.

Answer : Find Nearest Value

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