Question : Hide Datasheet View Using Docmd.Openquery

Hi EE,

I've created several SELECT queries and run them using docmd.openquery.  Unfortunately, the results of these queries are visible in datasheet view.  I'd like to hide the datasheet view and display the final query's results in a form.  Oddly, I have dozens of other SELECT queries in this MDB that aren't displayed in datasheet view.

     'below queries added by JH 11-11-04 to create accurate supplier
     'rfq and single source counts
    DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qry_PRIMARY_SS_AVL") 'excludes offline/estimate/customer from AVL table
    DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qry_SS_MFG_PN") 'builds single source mpn data to query
    DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qry_Supp_SS_RFQ_Counts") 'joins supp name w/ SS count
    DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qry_Final_Supp_RFQ_Count")  'joins supp name w/ ss count and avl table supp count

    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Final_Supp_RFQ_Count", acNormal

All of the "DoCmd.OpenQuery..." actions are displayed in datasheet view...argh.  

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance!

P.S.  I've tried using the currentdb.querydefs("myquery").execute per another EE post but as my queries are SELECT actions, execute isn't allowed. One other variable:  the queries are querying other query's datasets.

Answer : Hide Datasheet View Using Docmd.Openquery

you must be opening the queries somewhere, find out where and remove the DoCmd.OpenQuery
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