Question : Simple Access update Query

Not a hard one here just having a brain fart and I'm fairly inexperienced with SQL.

I am trying to take results from a query which has only one record in it and update a record in another table. There is no field to join these tables on.  My churrent SQL is this.

INSERT INTO [Earnings Log] (WrittenMonthtoDate)
SELECT (WrittenMonthtoDate)
FROM [Written and Return Premiums]
WHERE [Earnings Log].[Month] = #10/30/2009#;

It throws an error at me "Operation Must Use an Updatetable Query" I have tried anoth solution using the alternate WHERE clause:

WHERE  (DLookup("[Month]", "[Earnings log]", "[month] = #10/30/2009#"))=#10/30/09#;

It still gives me the same error. Here I am building a very complicated database and this is driving me nuts!!

Any heip is appreciated,


Answer : Simple Access update Query

Can you post the sql of Written and Return Premiums.  It might be possible to by-pass that query and use the source table(s) directly.

If not, then the solution could be to convert the totals query into a make-table query and then use that table for the update query, although there are other possibilities.
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