Question : MS Access 2007 Passthrough Query Fails

I have an MS Access database which has several passthrough queries which have been working fine and dandy in MS Access2003.  After upgrading to MS Access2007,  the query does not work and on tracing the sql sent,  it is totally incorrect and looks like some sql from an optional hint repository:

"SELECT Config, nValue FROM MSysCon"

Any ideas here would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : MS Access 2007 Passthrough Query Fails

I'm trying to address it (and I think we are alone in this thread...)

I couldn't find any information about this configuration table and Access 2007 specifically, let alone possible differences between Jet and ACE, or possible differences between the many ODBC drivers available for Oracle. I was able however to explain the meaning of the SQL you showed and provide links on what Oracle has to say about it. I also suggested a workaround.

All you say about the problem is "it worked in 2003, it doesn't in 2007". This leaves much room for guesswork: .mdb format or .accdb format, meaning Jet or ACE, upgrading your PC, refurbishing the application while upgrading, simultaneous upgrade to Oracle, the drivers, or even just the data...

So. Confronted with "it's broken" questions in two and a half sentences, what am I to do? You hint that it might have something to do with MSysConf. We are exploring that path. And I'm still waiting for you to tell me the results.

            Did you try to create the table?
            Did it solve the problem?

Frankly, I don't believe this is the right path, but that's the one you want to explore, and you give absolutely no other hint or clue. You have peeked into the traffic between your engine and Oracle and discovered this query being sent. That is only the normal expected behaviour. In all logs of transactions between Jet and an external SQL engine, you will find this query, and you will find the error being returned when it doesn't exist. Again, that's normal. It's neither a change, nor a bug.

I also suspect that this has nothing to do with whatever is "broken". But we didn't get there yet.

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