Question : cant use imageOpened

i am using silverlight.

I want to detect if all images have loaded from an array of strings .
This doesnt detect when all images are loaded and seems to detect only one image.

        For i = 0 To _NoAnimationImages - 1
            _mystrings(i) = mystrings(i)

            url2 = New Uri(_mystrings(i), UriKind.Relative)
            uu(i) = New BitmapImage(url)
            uu(i).UriSource = url2
            AddHandler uu(i).ImageOpened, AddressOf uu_imageSize


    End Sub
    Public Sub uu_imageSize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim c As Color
        Dim myuu As BitmapImage

        myuu = sender

        NoimageLoaded += 1

    End Sub

Answer : cant use imageOpened

If all the images are same (the same image file, loading multiple times), then image will load only once and share from that memory.
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