Question : How to move SQL Data to another drive?

I recently built a new server running SQL 2005 ENT and a new App called E-Automate. I have two hard drives running raid 1 for the OS and 3 drives running raid 5. I think I goofed when I installed SQL as I was later told that I should have specified during the install where to put the sql data. How can I move the sql data to the raid 5 drives? Also is there anything else I should or shouldn't move like the log files, page file etc... I want to get the best performance.


Answer : How to move SQL Data to another drive?

Have a look at 'Moving the Tempdb and Master Database in SQL Server'

To move the other databases (i.e. the E-Automate database), you need to detach the database (right-click and detach in Management Studio) and then copy the files to the new drive, and then re-attach them. To be honest, if you have plenty of drive space on the C drive, I would leave the transaction log files there - RAID5 is notoriously slow for write. Just make sure that you manage the size of these carefully.
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