the following code exports a datagrid to excel, but here is the problem, when opening in Office 2007 it give an error that that states -
The file you are trying to open is a different format than than specified by extension, Verify that the file is not corrupt and is from a trusted source before opending the file. Do you wnat to open now. If I open it it works just fine and can then save to new format.
When I open it opens fine but users might get the wrong impression that its messed up. here is the code I am using. how can I fix this so that if users are suing either version of Office, 2003 or 2007 it will open and save properly.
Sub RenderGridToExcelFormat(ByVal grid As DataGrid, ByVal saveAsFile As String) ' Excel rows limit is 65536 If grid.Items.Count.ToString + 1 < 65536 Then HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear() HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xlsx" HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" & saveAsFile & ".xls") ' Remove the charset from the Content-Type header. HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset = "" 'HttpContext.Current.Response.WriteFile("style.txt") ' Turn off the view state. grid.EnableViewState = False Dim tw As New System.IO.StringWriter Dim hw As New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(tw) grid.RenderControl(hw) ' Write the HTML back to the browser. HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(tw.ToString()) ' End the response. HttpContext.Current.Response.End() Else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Too many rows - Export to Excel not possible") End If End Sub