Question : What sort of utility will provide autocomplete suggestions while I am typing text within applications such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, notepad, etc.?

What sort of utility will provide autocomplete suggestions while I am typing text within applications such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, notepad, etc.?

I often type in phrases that are exactly the same as phrases that I have already typed in.

Currently, I have to manually copy each phrase and then paste the phrase back into the document that I am typing.

My life will be greatly simplified if I can have a utility will provide autocomplete suggestions automatically while I am typing.

The only Microsoft application that has this sort of autocomplete functionality is Mictrosoft Excel or Microsoft Internet Explorer (while typing in forms).

I need to be able to have autocomplete suggestions whenever I am typing within Internet Explorer within sections like the Experts Exchange Body, Title, or Tags (see the screenshot).

What sort of utility will do this?

Answer : What sort of utility will provide autocomplete suggestions while I am typing text within applications such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, notepad, etc.?

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