Question : Broken Reference to the file dao2535.tlb error message on opening Access Data Base created in Access 97

I have been using an Access Database originally created with Access 97 on a laptop which has upgraded to Access 2002.  I am now attempting to open the same Access Database on a computer which is running Windows 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 and I am getting the following error message: "Your Microsoft Access database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'dao2535.tlb' version 3.5."

The database contains historical data going back to 1991 and various reports which would require a significant effort to recreate and at the very least I need to export the tables to recreate the database.  My laptop has gone down and I am in a critical time cruch to produce reports from the database and need to resolve my problem ASAP.  Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated.

Grant Keener

Answer : Broken Reference to the file dao2535.tlb error message on opening Access Data Base created in Access 97

>Is the dao2535.tlb a unique file created by the Access Database
No, it is a Microsoft-created object library that was the primary means of data access in all Access versions up to 2000-ish.

Last I remember there were some versions of Windows, XP and higher, (Office XP and higher?) that did not automatically have DAO installed.
This was along the thinking that M$ was going to discontinue DAO, but has yet to actually do so.

Copy the file from any machine you can find it on and paste it into the new machine.  Until proven otherwise, that should resolve your issue without any coding.
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