Question : How to discover the IP address of a wireless access point without looking at the DHCP client list

I need to discover the IP addresses of a few Cisco 1300 access points in order to login to them and configure them.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  They are mounted pretty high so getting to them would be a pain in the A**!

Answer : How to discover the IP address of a wireless access point without looking at the DHCP client list

If you can get on the Cisco switch you can do:

sh cdp neighbors

It will list each Cisco device on it and the port which it is connected to. It will also provide it's hostname if set, the type of device it is, if there are other switches on the network this would help you find those also.

Lets say that it told you that one of the APs was on port Gig3/36 then you can do:

#sh mac-address-table | inc 3/36
   1    0011.85d7.facc   dynamic ip                    GigabitEthernet3/36

Now you have the mac you can do:

sh arp | inc facc

Which will give you the IP address.

You could also download and bootup a Knoppix CD and use nmap to map the network.
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