Question : object variable or with block variable not set

Hello and good luck!

I am creating a database for our departments aircraft flight activity. It is comprised of about 15 different tables that track everything from personnel, flight hours, flight activities and so on.

My difficulty is this. The different tables are updated by users through a complex form. The main form (frmFlightInfo) captures data relevant to each flight. A subform (sfrmFlightDetails) captures data relating to each individual event during that flight. This form has several nested subforms on it which update their respective tables.

Everything is now functioning correctly on the forms and all the subforms display the correct info. My problem is that when I click on one of the nested subforms (3rd level), open properties and select data and then attempt to open the dialog box to adjust the linking (Main form, Child Form) - I get the error message . . . "object variable or with block variable not set". I can manually change the linking fields, I just can't get the dialog box to open.

I thought this was no big deal at first, but now that I am attemtping to query data and set up reports, I am finding the data is not linking. In looking at the tblFlightInfo and tblLightDetails, I see there is no data in the fields that I used to link. I have "EventID" set as the linking fields in all these 3rd level nested forms, but their value in tblFLightDetails is empty. I also have my relationships setup, however, I don't know how accurately.

Does anyone have an idea why I am getting this error message, and more importantly, why the data is not linking anywhere except on the Form-Subform?

Also, I have several subforms attached to the main form (frmFlightInfo) that I am able to bring up the field linker box on. They all are storing data correctly. The same goes for sfrmFlightDetails. The problem is isolated to the subforms on sfrmFlightDetails.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but these forms are contained on tab-form with frmFlightInfo and its subforms on the first tab. sfrmFlightDetails and the 3rd level subforms are on the second tab.

Thanks, sorry for the short novel!

Answer : object variable or with block variable not set

it looks like you have a wrong name for an object as property for another one
try tools/databaseutilities: repair/compact
check the properties for the forms, controls

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