Question : Truncation of memo fields exported to Excel

If a line like

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryUserConflicts", acFormatXLS

is used to create an Excel spreadsheet from an Access query, any memo fields in the query longer than about 254 characters will be truncated to that length. This is a known problem mentioned in the Microsoft KB (see I could get round it by using automation to populate the spreadsheet programmatically, but this would be a last resort, given that the above statement is so much simpler and convenient to use, quite apart from the problems that automation presents when attempting to open and close more than a single sheet in a single Access session. Does anyone know a convenient flavour of the above statement that would correct the problem but retain the relative simplicity of the single statement approach. Incidentally, I am presently working with Access2000 and Excel2000.

Thanks, Tony

Answer : Truncation of memo fields exported to Excel

One other thing - do you have the latest service pack applied? I know there was a memo truncation bug in Access 2000 fixed in SP3 (though I think that was truncating at 127 characters).
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