Question : IIS 7.5 FTP - 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

I want to create folders for users to send in data daily in a CSV file. I have done the following:

-created a LocalUser folder under the ftproot

-under that a folder for two of them (UserFolder1 & UserFolder2)

-created two users (User1 & User2) on the server and gave them read/write access to the relevant folders

-added these users to the FTP Server with read/write access

-Anonymous user disabled

-set the SSL as allow SSL

-set FTP Isolation to username physical directory (enable global virtual directories)

My understanding was that by doing this I could have multiple users connecting to the FTP server and being automatically directed to the correct folder. When I log on through the client as User1 with the correct password  no problem. But when I log on as User2 with its password I get a 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. I am sure it is something simple I am overlooking but time is the problem do would be grateful for any ideas you might have.


Answer : IIS 7.5 FTP - 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

You need to give User2 permission to list the Default FTP site's root directory.

Rule #2: The username used to log in needs List permissions to the root FTP site folder

Even if the Virtual Directory is pointing to a different location, the user that is logging in always needs List permissions to the folder specified in Default FTP Site.

Have a look at the following website for more information
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