Question : SBS2008 losing gateway address after restart

I have a client with a HP ML330G6 with built-in NC326i Dual port NIC. Broadcom Driver I have used the SBS 2008 internet connection wizzard to connect to the internet. The router (DSL-G604T) is set to manual configuration as I don't trust SBS to set it up.
Everytime I restart the computer, it loses its gateway address. Rerunning the wizzard fixes the problem.
Has anyone had this problem before? I found a link with someone having this problem, but upgrading the NIC driver to fixed it for him.
BTW. I have disabled the 2nd NIC in windows and unclicked any services that were associated with it.

Answer : SBS2008 losing gateway address after restart

I have had this problem before. The gateway reverting to blank indicates a conflict. If you go to the properties of the network adapter; you have a static IP set with DNS and DHCP pointing to the server IP itself, right?? In addition, The interfaces tab of dns should have the static IP of the NIC checked. Uncheck any other addresses that may conflict. start;>administative tools->dns - then right click the server name and go to properties -> interfaces tab. That said and correct , run the wizzard and you should not have the gateway falling out.... Unless your router configuration is wrong. Your router should not be doing DHCP and the server should have root hints populeted in the DNS properties... You can add the DNS entries the forwarders tab.... That is not recommended any  more, however, that may be a work around,,,,, And last but not least.... go to SBS console-> Network -> connectivity tab... Now look to the right... Run the Fix my Network wizzard and then the connect to internet wizzard and see if that does not fix this issue.
I hope this helps,

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