Question : Using qsort with a CArray

When I try to use qsort on an  CArray

CArray DblArray;

      DblArray[0] = 0.00;
      DblArray[1] = 1.00;
      DblArray[2] = 3.00;
      DblArray[3] = 2.00;
      DblArray[4] = 5.00;
      DblArray[5] = 4.00;


I get a compile  error C2664: 'qsort' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'CArray' to 'void *'
I tried (void*)DblArray same error;
I tried  &DblArray  it compiles but all i get are 0.0 values;

every thing works on a simple double DblArray[] type array
Whats wrong?

here is the rest of my example

static int compare (const void *val1, const void *val2)
static int compare (const void *val1, const void *val2)
double FUZZ = .00000001;

double f1 = *(double*)val1;
double f2 = *(double*)val2;

if ( fabs (f1 - f2) <= FUZZ )
return 0;
else if ( f1 > f2 )
return 1;

return -1;

Answer : Using qsort with a CArray

Like this:


GetData() returns a pointer to the data in the array.  Here's the definition in 'afxtempl.h':

AFX_INLINE const TYPE* CArray::GetData() const
      { return (const TYPE*)m_pData; }
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