Question : Comparison of Database Audit Tools

Can any one please tell the advantage(s) / benifits of choosing DB Audit ( over ApexSQL Audit (  Please povide links to validate the claims.


Answer : Comparison of Database Audit Tools

Odessa_Technologies :

Your link to apexsql was wrong. Suggest

They both look to be comprehensive tools with DB Audit boasting various compliances such as Sabanes...

The pricing is similar when you add in reporting and performance to DB Audit, so it really boils down to a function point analysis of the two products. List those items that are mandatory and nice-to-have selection criteria, then grab their downloads (pdf and demo) and check them off. If they still both survive that process, then download the trial versions and run it by creating a Sample database from a  backup of a database that best exemplifies your live environment.

Note they are both trigger driven, so they will modify the database to insert triggers for every table, so make sure the sample database is restored from backup before you try the next product. You will have to discard the sample database once finished.

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