Question : Before Update Event in Combo Box Cancel event
This is my code and attached are examples of errors I get.
Statement "Cancel = True" is causing the problem.
Error1 happens only in this example, but Error2 happens in all my combo boxes on various forms throughout the project where I have Cancel = True in the Before Update Event.
Private Sub Client_ID_BeforeUpdate(Can
cel As Integer)
If Nz(DLookup("[Client ID]", "[tblAttendance]", "[Session ID] = " & _
.[Session ID], 0) & _
"AND [Client ID] = " & Nz(Me.[Client ID], 0)), 0) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "This client already exists on this list."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Answer : Before Update Event in Combo Box Cancel event
If you cancel the before update event of a control then you also need to cancel the form before update event and handle the form undo event. See
, "Check for required items" for details on how to do it.
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