Question : ODBC connection to Oracle 9 db trough Cisco VPN and ISA

I need to establish ODBC connection from one server trough ISA server and Cisco VPN  to remote Oracle 9 db. VPN works fine, i can connect to remote network, I think that I have some problems in the ISA configuration which blocking traffic to the remote database. The same thing works fine from the another PC (directly connected to the internet, without ISA, so I think that everything is fine with credentials). This issue is very urgent, thank to all of experts for quick response.

Answer : ODBC connection to Oracle 9 db trough Cisco VPN and ISA

In most cases this is caused by the Oracle Listener working as portmapper only. That is, the connect port (1521 by default) is not used for data, only for getting information about the dynamically negotiated ports to contact Oracle DBMS. You can switch that behaviour off, but that requires to modify the target listener config, and a restart of the DBMS instance.
If that is an option, you need to set a registry value:

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