Question : Webservice task in SSIS using Script Task


i have a problem, i have a web service and has a web method which i had created a wsdl file. i have three parameters from sql database and stored them in the variables of object type. Also i have a text file and this text file has the fourth parameter for the web service and this fourth parameter is dynamic which has many rows where as the three parameters are constant which come from sql server database.
So i created a Flat file source and dumped the data into variable using recordset destination.

so i placed the web service task in for each loop container and then in the input window i could see the parameter for the web service as element type and when i click on the value it is opening up as one more box and all the parameters are inside that box. and outside i can only assign one variable. but i have four parameters need to be passed to the web service. i don;t understand why it is showing values in to different box.

so i used script component as web service task in control flow.

i created a proxy for the script in program.cs and created a new object and trying to pass varaibles to that script component like

element.customerid=(int) DTS.Varaibles("ID")

where id is the varaible

and i am getting an error saying that varaibles are not defined.

can we pass varaibles to the script component which i am using it as webservice task

Answer : Webservice task in SSIS using Script Task

i got the solution i created a web reference in script task and created a new object and passed the parameters using that new object.
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