Question : How to change a font in VFP 9.0

The code below works fine except the font is always the same regardless. The size and STYLE do work.

? 'Hello World!' AT 10 FONT 'Courier', 12 STYLE 'BU'

What am I doing wrong ?

Answer : How to change a font in VFP 9.0

Possible reasons are:
1) Courier font is not installed
2) Courier font is neither TrueType nor OpenType and its usage is supressed by Windows settings
3) Font script required by your code page is not available (not your case because you are using just English)

Try to change font for Command Window (menu Format, optoin Font...). If the Courier appears in the list of available fonts then I don't know the answer.

The last attempt you could try is:

? 'Hello World!' AT 10 FONT 'Courier New', 12 STYLE 'BU'
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