Question : Access: How to write a query with DISTINCT

Hi X-perts,

I have a table with fields (fund_id, value, date). it presents multiple rows for the same fund_id (but different date and value). I need to write a query that selects distinct fund_id and its corresponding date and value (the last possible date value).

SELECT DISTINCT fund_id FROM historydetail ===> works OK and takes unique fund_id

SELECT DISTINCT fund_id,value FROM historydetail ======> takes not unique fund_id, but unique fund_id+value combinations, i.e. I am getting multiple fund_id rows.

How can I select UNIQUE fund_id and their corresponding value (the last date)?

Please, advise.


Answer : Access: How to write a query with DISTINCT

SELECT t1.fund_id, t1.[value]
FROM historydetail t1 INNER JOIN
      (SELECT t2.fund_id, Max(t2.EndDate) AS LastDate
      FROM historydetail t2
      GROUP BY t2.fund_id) AS q ON t1.fund_id = q.fund_id And t1.EndDate = q.LastDate
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