Question : Get ListViewItem Checked state by Index in VB .NET

I've been trying to commit an action based on the Checked Index of that item. I've tried a bunch of different ways and I've come up with nothing so far.

Couple of things first:

I cannot use the ListViews events. I must be able to determine the Checked state from a button's event.

Again, I need to check a specific index (0-4) and then commit an action based on that. The following is an example that I've tried. More importantly, it will give you a better idea of what I need:

If ListView1.CheckedIndices(0) = True Then
      'Not checked
End If

Answer : Get ListViewItem Checked state by Index in VB .NET

Once you've done that, you can then determine if your specific items as checked....

    If ListView1.CheckedIndices.Count > 0 Then
        If ListView1.Items(0).Checked Then
            'your code
        End If
        'there are no items checked
    End If

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