Question : How to start an application from a .Bat file and then upload files


I have the following code in an MS DOS .bat file:

start /wait d:\Progra~1\STClient\stclient.exe /quitWhenDone /prefRetries 0 httpsu://[user id]:[password]@[website name] Z:\MyFolder\FileA.cmp

This invokes a secure client, signs onto our site, and then uploads the file specified at the end of the path.  We use this for uploading files to the bank.  How can I set this up so that it only starts the application once, but then sends 5 different files AND with a 5 minute delay between each transmission?

Thanks !

Answer : How to start an application from a .Bat file and then upload files

I'd take a different approach:

@echo off
:: *** Uses sleep.exe from the resource kit
:: *** Default path to the files to be sent (including trailing "\"):
set DefaultPath=Z:\MyFolder\
:: *** A "," separated list of files to send:
set FileList=FileA.cmp,FileB.cmp,FileC.cmp,FileD.cmp,FileE.cmp
:: *** The delay in minutes between each transfer:
set Delay=5

set /a Delay*=60
for /f "tokens=1* delims=," %%a in ("%FileList%") do (
  set FileList=%%b
  start /wait d:\Progra~1\STClient\stclient.exe /quitWhenDone /prefRetries 0 httpsu://[user id]:[password]@[website name] "%DefaultPath%%%a"
if "%FileList%"=="" goto :eof
sleep %Delay%
goto loop
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