Question : How to access MS CRM 4.0 intranet website over the internet?

I would like to know if there is any possibility to access CRM 4.0 Multiple organizations over the internet. We are not using Internet facing deployment. But some of the users would like to access the CRM 4.0 websites(Multiorganizations) over the internet. Is there any possibility? if yes, Please let me know how it can be done?

Answer : How to access MS CRM 4.0 intranet website over the internet?

Well, CRM's organization URLs aren't like typical folder structure you would see. (there aren't subsites in the folder structure) .

so the main problem is that when you access one org (or try to) you "sometimes" get a different one?  Is there any consistency to the behavior?  for instance:
- when it doesn't go to the right place, does it always go to the "first" org?
- is this consistent for all the users? are all the users in all the orgs?  ( for instance, if user 1 is only in org1, but tries to go to org2, what happens)(vice versa?)

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