Question : Free/Busy Exchange 2007 SBS08 migrated from SBS03

Event ID 8207:  Error updating public folder with free/busy information on virtual machine EXCHANGESERVERNAME. The error number is 0x80004005.

We have recently migrated from SBS03 to SBS08.  Everthing seems to have worked correctley and my Exchange server is running.

I have this occuring in the application event log several times daily.  I can't find any reference using this command in Exchange Shell looking for the old server: Get-PublicFolder -server EXCHANGESERVERNAME"\non_ipm_subtree\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY" -recurse | Format-List

We have already decommissioned the old Exchange server so I can't update anything there.  Any ideas on how this can be corrected.  Thanks

Answer : Free/Busy Exchange 2007 SBS08 migrated from SBS03

OK there is a command you can run on the SBS server to resolve this, see here:
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