Question : add multiple machines to sccm collection

I need a way to add multiple machines to a single collection in SCCM 2007. Right now we have to add them one by one and it is a pain when there's over 100 machines to be added. any ideas?

Answer : add multiple machines to sccm collection

I have attached a VBScript that will add Resouces to a Collection by reading an input file (CSV file).  All you should have to do is put your SCCM Server Name into the script (on line 33).  I have been using this script for about 4 years (SMS 2003 & SCCM).  It was created for me by a scripting expert at my old job.  I'm not an expert at scripting but I can probably help if you run into problems with it.

Create a CSV file (AddtoCollection.csv) with the first line reading:

You then populate this CSV file starting on line 2 with a comma separating the values.  (make sure there are no extra spaces within the CSV file).  The ComputerName is exactly that, the SiteCode is the SCCM Site Code, the CollectionName is the full name of the Collection (ie. Collection A)

Example of CSV file:
Computer1,CO1,Collection A
Computer2,CO1,Collection A
Computer3,CO1,Collection A

Execute the script by using the following cmd line: (I just use a BAT file)
cscript.exe AddToCollection.vbs AddtoCollection.csv
Script to add Resources to a Collection using a CSV file
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