Question : Copying multiple user selected records to a recordset

In a MS Access form, a user can select more than one record by clicking on first record's record selector and then, while holding the shift key down,  clicking on nearby record's selector, which selects all the records between and including the two records.

Is there a way, using VB code, to copy these selected records to a recordset that can then be manipulated using code?   I know how to use the CurrentRecord property of a RecordSetClone to copy a single selected record, but can't work out how to copy a block of selected records.

Answer : Copying multiple user selected records to a recordset

Here's an adapted function.
Call it from your form - it will return a DAO recordset with the required rows.
You'd call it as
Set rst = fLoadRstWithSelected(Me, "YourPKID")

Code follows:

Function fLoadRstWithSelected(pForm As Access.Form, strPKName As String) As DAO.Recordset
    Dim intBottom As Integer
    Dim intTop As Integer
    Dim intI As Integer
    Dim strFilter As String
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    With pForm
        intTop = .SelTop
        intBottom = .SelHeight + .SelTop - 1
    End With
    Set rst = pForm.RecordsetClone
    With rst
        If intTop > intBottom Then
            strFilter = "1=0"
            For intI = intTop To intBottom
                .AbsolutePosition = intI - 1
                strFilter = strFilter & "," & .Fields(strPKName).Value
            strFilter = strPKName & " In (" & Mid(strFilter, 2) & ")"
        End If
        .Filter = strFilter
        Set rst = .OpenRecordset
    End With
    Set fLoadRstWithSelected = rst
    Set rst = Nothing
End Function

Bear in mind - that a selection is only maintained for as long as the form has the focus.
So if this is a subform - as soon as you attempt to click a button on the parent form - your selection will be lost.
Using a menu command or the exit event of the subform control will be options though.
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