Question : Connect to a Crosstab query in Access from Excel

I am connecting to Accesss 2003 from Excel 2003 using an ODBC connection. I want the query results to load directly into Excel. This works with Select queries not with the Crosstab query I want to see. Is this simply not possible and, if so, why? Otherwise could you help, please? I am getting a message box with this message...
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Invalid character value for cast specification on column number 28 (9)

Many thanks

Answer : Connect to a Crosstab query in Access from Excel

Huh? I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

Those edits should work fine. That would create: -> ->

You should always increase your serial number in the SOA record for every change you make though. It doesn't really make a difference if you have 1 server, but if you have more than 1 that's how they know they need to do a zone transfer. Typically the serial number is in the format of the date+revision number:

yyyymmddXX for today would be 2010010801, where the last two digits are the number of changes you made that day. 01 for the first change, 02 for the second....etc.
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