Question : Can I create an array of objects?
I'm rebuilding and app from VB6 to a web application using Silverlight 3 and I have a group of 10 products that are continuously used throughout the application. In VB6 a created arrays of textboxes and labels to load all of the information pertaining to the products.
Dim i as integer
For i = 0 to 9
txtPrice(i).text = "database value"
txtCost(i).text = "database value"
Trying to do the same thing here but I'm not seeing a way to create an array of textboxes or labels in Expression Blend. Is it possible?
Answer : Can I create an array of objects?
Don't think you can create index on xaml.
You can use Textbox0, Textbox1 etc
and then use FindName to access
for (i=0; i< 10; i++)
TextBox t = (TextBox)this.FindName("Te
xtbox" + i.ToString());
t.Text = "database value"
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