Question : Access VBA

Hi, I have the below error code to exit the sub after a msgbox warning but when I comment out the msgbox, it works fine but with the msgbox code, I get the msgbox every time the button is clicked regardless of whether an error occured or EOF = true.

I'm sure it is just a syntax issue but I can't see the forrest for the trees, so to speak.

Thanks for any help.

On Error GoTo NextRecErr

If Me.Dirty Then
MsgBox "You have unsaved changes! I will now save the changes.", vbCritical & vbOKOnly
Me.Dirty = False
End If

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

MsgBox "An error has occured or you are at the end of the records.", vbInformation
Exit Sub

End Sub

Answer : Access VBA

Move the Exit Sub above NextRecErr:, not after, so that your code does not continue there every time:

On Error GoTo NextRecErr

If Me.Dirty Then
MsgBox "You have unsaved changes! I will now save the changes.", vbCritical & vbOKOnly
Me.Dirty = False
End If

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub

MsgBox "An error has occured or you are at the end of the records.", vbInformation

End Sub
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