Question : SUM with IFs

If I have two columns like in the below image, what formula can I use to sum all the "Yes" rows in one cell, all the "No" rows in another?

Something like: =IF(M10="No",L10,0)+IF(M11="No",L11,0)+IF(M12="No",L12,0)+IF(M13="No",L13,0)+IF(M14="No",L14,0)+IF(M15="No",L15,0)+IF(M16="No",L16,0)+IF(M17="No",L17,0)+IF(M18="No",L18,0)

but simplier?

Answer : SUM with IFs


if the exampe you provided are using the columns you said then should be like this

=sumif(M10:M20, "Yes", L10:L20)
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