Question : Debug Assertion Failed...Help

I am trying to run some software that will import a file into our document imaging software from office excel.  I keep gettin a debug assertion failed error:
Program: C:\Program files\micro office\office 11\excel.exe
file: f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\dlgdata.cpp
line 42

Any ideas here or what to look for in the debug?

Answer : Debug Assertion Failed...Help

>>Program: C:\Program files\micro office\office 11\excel.exe
>>file: f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\dlgdata.cpp line 42

It is telling you is that a variable you passed into a function somewhere is not valid . An assertion is where the program checks something and then bails out if it doesn't like what it sees. It is telling you the name of the file (when it was compiled) and the line of code in that file where the assertion was 'thrown'. What you need to do is run the program in the debugger, wait for it to crash at the assertion, then move up the stack to the point where your code is and see what variables you are passing that are making it unhappy.

Sometimes you need to delete the entire Debug or Release directory along with all the config files that are created by a project during compliation and close and reopen the project to get rid of cached data that may be corrupted.  Even to reboot helps to clear some problems out . MS compilers maintain a lot of state in memory as they work on your code , but sometimes the memory image gets out of synch with the actual source.

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