Question : Create a Custom Configuration Section with a collection of elements
Hello, I would like to figure out how one would make a Custom Configuration Section with a collection of elements inside it.
It would look similiar to this:
That is how I would like it to look. I understand how to make it look like this:
However, I would not like it to look like that, I would like it to look like my first example and I can't seem to figure it out. I mean the ConnectionString configuration section also looks like my example. Could somebody point me to the right direction?
Please guys, look at my first example. That is how I want it to look, I understand how to make it look like my second example and I don't want that sort of schema.
Anybody know or have a tutorial I can look at to reach this goal?
Answer : Create a Custom Configuration Section with a collection of elements
You would use the following:
A sub class of ConfigurationElementCollec
tion and give it this attribute:
IsDefaultCollection = true)]
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