Question : dateadd function returns weekends even when weekday "w" is specified

dateadd function returns weekends even when weekday "w" is specified . Example, day_1: DateAdd("w",-1,Histmf_8002_02_1!date)
returns Sunday 10/21/2001 when given Monday 10/22/2001 as date. day_1: DateAdd("w",1,Histmf_8002_02_1!date) returns Saturday 10/20/2001 when given 10/19/2001 as date.

Is there a fix or workaround?

Answer : dateadd function returns weekends even when weekday "w" is specified

Create the following function in a module. Call the function passing the date you want to evaluate plus a positive or negative number you want to add or subtract to the date passed.  If you pass a negative number and it lands on a Sat/Sun, it assumes you want to go back to the prior Friday. If you pass a positive number, it assumes you want to go forward to the next Monday.

-Rachel Morris
M.G.C.D. Consulting
[email protected]

Public Function funReturnWkdy(dtStartDte As Date, sngNumDysToAdd As Single) As Date
'   Note - sngNumDysToAdd can be positive or negative
'   Function assumes that if you are passing a reduction, aka a negative
'   sngNumDysToAdd, you want to return to the prior Friday if
'   date passed equals Saturday or Sunday, and if you pass a positive
'   sngNumDysToAdd, you want to move forward to the next Monday

Dim dtTest As Date, sngAdjustDy As Single
If sngNumDysToAdd < 0 Then sngAdjustDy = -1 Else sngAdjustDy = 1

dtTest = DateAdd("d", sngNumDysToAdd, dtStartDte)

Select Case Weekday(dtTest)
Case 1  '   Sunday
    If sngAdjustDy < 0 Then
        dtTest = DateAdd("d", sngAdjustDy + sngAdjustDy, dtTest)
        dtTest = DateAdd("d", sngAdjustDy, dtTest)
    End If
Case 7
    If sngAdjustDy < 0 Then
        dtTest = DateAdd("d", sngAdjustDy, dtTest)
        dtTest = DateAdd("d", sngAdjustDy + sngAdjustDy, dtTest)
    End If
End Select
    funReturnWkdy = dtTest
End Function
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