Question : Item Quantity reduction for online store that uses Paypal

Hi all.  I'd like to start an online store using Frontpage 2003 that integrates with Paypal.  The items I will sell will be unique and hard to find items, so the quantiity available on most occasions will only be one.  When a customer decides to purchase one of my items, how do I "program" this into my online store system to deduct that item from my inventory so someone else does not come along and order the same thing?

Also, is this something that the Paypal system can detect?  I would like to handle this automatically within my webstore with some sort of message indicating that the item is out of stock, or something to that effect. I have worked with and SQL server before, so it's possible a database may be necessary, but  I've never done this with Frontpage, and would like to know how.

Thank you

Answer : Item Quantity reduction for online store that uses Paypal should help
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