Question : Access Runtime Error

Hey all.  Have a Citrix server (Win2k SP4) with a homegrown app on it--VB+Access (2000 SP3).  All users use this app.

This thing worked till late last month when, apparently inexplicably, it stopped working.  Now, all users BUT ONE get this error:

Run-time error '-2147220992 (80040200)':  Library not registered

The only thing I've been able to find with this problem is that using Filemon, the problem users have a few NOT GRANTED lock requests, then a SHARING VIOLATION on the LDB file that seems to correspond to the runtime error.  The user that can access the file does not have these problems.  All users have full rights to the directory where the db is.

MDAC 2.8 SP1, Jet 4.0.  I've tried copying user profiles to no avail, so I don't *think* it's a problem in the registry.  But the user is set up identically to several other users, so it doesn't appear to be anything but a per-user snafu...

Ideas?  Help?!?  I'm completely stumped.  Thanks in advance!!


Answer : Access Runtime Error

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