Question : USB Keyboard and mouse works in BIOS but not in Windows

I have a Dell Dimension E310 with XP Media Center that will not recognize the USB keyboard and mouse.

Wired KB&Mouse
NO PS/2 ports
KB&Mouse are verified working
Safe mode does not work
System Restore (on Registry through Recovery Console) did not work
Spyware infected system, trying to get system to work so spyware can be removed
Running with ONLY KB peripheral hooked up to try getting those drivers installed before all others, no joy
No BIOS option for USB Legacy Support
CMOS has been reset, didn't work
Slaved drive to other computer to run spyware and antivirus scans, 22 infections removed, 17 viruses found and removed. Problem was present prior to infection removal.
Added PCI USB add-in card.  Didn't work.
Would like to fix this without reloading the system as I do not have the System Resore CD's.  If anyone could fix this, I would really appreciate it.  Have done about everything that I can think of or find on the forums and nothing has helped so far.

Scott Thompson

Answer : USB Keyboard and mouse works in BIOS but not in Windows

Last update:

The problem has been solved!  Took a bit of doing, and isn't exactly what I would recommend in all cases, but it did work for me.

I took out the hard drive (SATA) and attached as the boot drive in another SATA capable system with PS/2 ports for the keyboard and mouse.  When it booted, I ignored all "found new hardware" messages for anything that wasn't directly related to the USB ports and peripherals.  Bingo!  We have a keyboard and mouse now!  I went into Device Manager to make sure that everything was as kosher as it could be for the keyboard and mouse then powered down the system and installed the hard drive back in the original system.

When the Windows booted up, I had a keyboard and mouse again and was able to finish working on the spyware infections that probably caused this problem in the first place.

Thank you for all of your help, guys.
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